BFG: Fälschlich ausbezahltes Arbeitslosengeld unterliegt nicht dem Pfändungsschutz des § 54 AbgEO (östz)
- Company formations, corporate law
- Private foundations
- House and property management
- Asset and investment advice
- Stock corporation law
- Commercial law
- Antitrust law
- Trademark and patent matters
- Credit protection
- Insolvency law (company liquidation)
- Debt relief and debt restructuring
- Competition law (protection against unfair competition)
- Export support
- Agricultural law
- Customs law
- Criminal law and criminal procedure law
- Commercial criminal law
- Corporate criminal law
- Preventive advice (compliance)
- Financial criminal law
- Resumption of criminal proceedings
- Execution of sentences
- Trial support
- Commercial licenses
- Environmental protection
- Operating plant licenses
- Agricultural procedures
- Consolidation procedures
- Land transfer proceedings
- Administrative penalty proceedings before police authorities and district authorities, in particular after traffic accidents
- Driving license revocation proceedings
- Real estate contracts
- Purchase, exchange, transfer and annuity agreements
- Gift agreements
- Condominium agreements
- Lease and rental agreements
- Service contracts
- Contracts for work
- Partnership agreements and foundations
- Cooperation agreements
- Loan and credit agreements
- Financing agreements
- Family law contracts (marriage contracts)
- Testamentary dispositions and inheritance contracts
- Assertion of claims for damages
- Protection of property and other rights
- Disturbance of possession
- Tenancy and housing law
- Consumer protectionMatrimonial law, divorce, maintenance, adoption
- Employment law (employment contracts, protection against dismissal)
- Building law
- Land register and company register entries
- Traffic law (settlement of accident claims)
- Insurance advice (claims)
- Inheritance settlements and written probate proceedings
- Non-contentious proceedings
- Association law
- Food law
- Foreign exchange law
- Media law
- Protection of intellectual property
- Collection of outstanding receivables
- Financial procedures
- Supreme Court
- Administrative Court
- Constitutional Court
- European Court of Justice and EU authorities
- Representation in custody proceedings, contact proceedings, maintenance proceedings and divorce proceedings
- Divorce by mutual agreement/contested divorce
- Preparation of divorce settlements within the meaning of § 55a EheG
- Division of marital property
- Preparation of prenuptial agreements
- All further questions regarding divorce, marriage and family law
- Litigation support for the filing of party applications for judicial review in civil proceedings
- Protection of fundamental rights (e.g. freedom of ownership, freedom of acquisition, etc.)
- Complaints and individual applications for review of ordinances and laws
- Representation before the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights
“Aurea prima sata est aetas, quae vindice nullo, sponte sua, sine lege fidem rectumque colebat. Poena metusque aberant, nec verba minantia fixo aere legebantur, nec supplex turba timebat iudicis ora sui, sed erant sine vindice tuti.”
The quote by Ovidius from his “Metamorphoses” represents an ideal vision of a society in which no law books, judges, public prosecutors or lawyers are needed. Since this state of affairs cannot be achieved in a modern society, our law firm assists our clients discreetly, loyally, conscientiously and competently.
BFG: Keine Verlängerungshandlung (§ 209 BAO), wenn zu unkonkret und ausreichend Zeit für konkrete Maßnahme
BFG: Keine Verlängerung der Festsetzungsverjährung gem § 209 BAO, weil die Amtshandlungen nicht auf die Geltendmachung des Abgabenanspruches gerichtet waren und die Abgabenbehörde ausreichend Zeit für eine taugliche Verlängerungshandlung hatte. (östz)…
Beschlagnahme in der Ukraine – Haftung der Frachtführerin
Hier: Beschlagnahme eines LKW mit Waren mit Bestimmungsort Russland von ukrainischen Behörden am Tag der russischen Invasion – kein unabwendbares Ereignis; die bekl Frachtführerin kannte die angespannte politische Situation, ihre Einschätzung war für d…
EuGH: Vergabe eines Nachfolge-Auftrags – Verhandlungsverfahren ohne vorherige Bekanntmachung?
Tschech. Fall. Ein öffentlicher Auftraggeber kann den Rückgriff auf das Verhandlungsverfahren ohne vorherige Bekanntmachung für einen Nachfolge-Auftrag nicht mit dem Schutz von Ausschließlichkeitsrechten rechtfertigen, wenn der Grund für diesen Schutz …